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None of my Business S4:E12- Heath Harmison

On this episode I have Heath Harmison.  Heath has been a comic for over a decade now and his star continues to rise.  I was excited to have Heath on for a few reasons.  1.  I know for a fact he’s an outstanding story teller.  2.  He is an entrepreneur that comes from a different industry that I am used to having on the show and I was excited to get a different perspective.

Heath lost a job that was helping him pay the bills while he was working on his comedy on the side.  He and his wife were put in a position to make and important decision.  They had a conversation and his wife stepped in and gave him 100% support to chase his dream of being a comic.  This is so crucial to entrepreneurs.  To have a safe, strong level of support from those close to them.

Like all entrepreneurs that have customers, some of them can be difficult than others.   In his field the are called “hecklers”.  We discuss how he deals with tough customers.  You may or may not want to use his advice.

We talk about content creation.  Every business owner in this day and age has to know how to market and advertise their business.  Content creation is what Heath HAS to do well. It is literally his livelihood.  We talk about his process on how he consistency comes up with his material.

We also discuss how different it is today to get content out as everything has changed over the past 5-7 years. The ability to push content out from our phones every day has created more possibilities than we ever had before.  It has to be done well, and it has to be done consistently.

Heath has recently had clip that as if today, is creeping up on 10 millions views!  This type of content can be game changing.  Health talks about striking while the iron is hot and taking advantage of content like this.

My thanks to Heath for joining me on the show.  Please connect with him below and let’s support Heath moving forward.


Heath’s Website

Heath on Twitter. 

Heath on Linkedin

Heath on Facebook

None of my Business on ITunes.

None of my Business on Stitcher

On Android use Podcast Addict and search for “None of my Business”

Matt’s Website

Music by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers.

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