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None of my Business S3:E2 Ross Cook

mI sat down and had a fascinating conversation with Ross Cook who owns the Center for Balance and Effective Communication.  We really go deep in regards to tapping into causal factors that point us towards the things that we do on a daily basis.  Some of these patterns are good, and some of them are bad.  Ross, works with individuals to help “rewire” some habits or patterns that they want to improve on.

We talk about things like how to return home successfully.  Entrepreneurs go through a lot on a day to day basis, and our work follows us all the time.  How can we switch that off when it is time to go home and connect with the people that we are working so hard to provide for?

We also talk about how to be more comfortable about marketing.  Marketing can create an uneasy feeling to many and we chat about how to manage your energy in a way to be more successful in this arena.

I want to thank Ross for sitting with me and having a very useful conversation that everyone can benefit from listening to.


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Music by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers

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